The Lakes Entrance Action and Development Association (LEADA) annual general meeting was very successful on Tuesday, July 2, at the Central Hotel with the more than 50 people in attendance helping to create an atmosphere of positive change for Lakes Entrance.
The annual general meeting returned all members of the previous committee plus local fisherman, Arthur Allen. The business and tourism group is yet to nominate its representative onto the committee.
The office bearers appointed by the new committee that met immediately after the annual general meeting include Bruce Hurley (president), Peter Sindrey (vice president), Alison Brewer (secretary) and Lauren Barlow (treasurer).
Details of the Myer Street and Carpenter Street upgrade were presented to LEADA by Regional Roads Victoria at the annual general meeting. Recently, LEADA’s committee unanimously supported the revised plan for the Myer Street to Carpenter Street upgrade, which will be completed during the winter months next year. Support for the upgrade was also expressed at the meeting.
The presentation had a well made artist’s impression and lists the features of the upgrade.
It has been a busy year for LEADA as it aims to establish constructive relationships with all tiers of government and relevant government authorities in order to benefit Lakes Entrance.