The Float project at Lake Tyers Beach is inviting the world to its launch at Fisherman’s Landing Jetty, Mill Point Road, at 3pm on Saturday, December 1.
After three years of hard yakka, the Float vessel is ready for visiting. Float has built a floating art studio (with accommodation for one) that will become an iconic destination for artists from around the world.
The vessel offers workspace and living facilities for artists and researchers who come to immerse themselves in the Lake Tyers environment.
Selected artists will arrive to work on board the vessel for six week periods, to research and develop work that will encourage the world to know, and to care, for the unique place.
At the launch, Float members will begin to tell the full story of the Float and invite others to become part of this resource and build the social enterprise.
It is the intention of the committee that the vessel becomes a catalyst for new ideas, new enterprises and vibrant energy to ensure that the benefits of Float can extend across the entire catchment community.
“We have planned a few on-board highlights to reflect the work of the Float community,” a Float spokesperson said.
“There’ll be speeches, of course, from our Float friends, including GLAWAC, Regional Arts Victoria’s chief executive officer, Joe Toohey, lead Float artist Josephine Jakobi, and Jack Whadcoat from Lake Tyers Coast Action.
“We are excited to have much-loved local marketing and arts guru, John McKenzie, present his view on the importance of Float to the future direction of the Lakes business economy.
“We agree. We must reinvent our economies and Float is a perfect kick-start.
“Float gives us the focus, a venue for art making, professional and creative enterprise. It is built on community passion and thousands of hours of volunteer-power.
“And, with love – it can generate a whirlwind of exposure and creative outcomes for everyone who chooses to jump on board.”
”We are thrilled to see the installation of Cameron Robbins’ Wind Monitor this week (wind powered drawing machine) in preparation for the launch,” the spokesperson said.
Cameron has worked on several arts projects at Lake Tyers but more recently he become the feature artist at MONA.
Cameron’s Drawing Machine is integral to the vessel’s design and construction and will provide a lifetime of wind-powered drawing for the project. Cameron will take up a residency later in the year.
“Marlene Rees (Floating Threads) and Carole Rigler (Frocksmith) have produced a new range of their Lakeinspired fashion.
“Local artist Gary Yelen has produced a small exhibition of watercolours inspired by his recent vessel servitude, and Josephine Jakobi has created a number of pieces for the Firkin/ small vessel exhibition.
“We have several other works in progress which will add to our spirit of collaboration – long into the future.
“We sincerely encourage everyone to come and meet us. To see the vessel from the inside, to understand the vision … to get on board.”
Also on December 1 the Float team will open the inaugural small vessel (Firkin) exhibition.
The exhibition offers a $1000 first prize to makers of small vessels – in all media. ‘Vessels’ include pots, cups, bowls, spoons – and everything in between – functional or not.
With more than 100 vessels on show there’s an enormous range of ideas, materials (and prices) for those looking to acquire their own.
The exhibition doors open on Saturday, December 1, at Lake Tyers Beach Hall at 11am for browsing, and the evening presentation of speeches and prizes begin at 5pm.
The special guest judge is Vito Bila, a Melbourne-based small vessel specialist with a love of East Gippsland.
Vito will announce the winner at 6pm, while people’s choice prizes will be announced at the close of the exhibition on December 10 and online.
The Firkin exhibition will remain open at the hall all week from 11am to 4pm, closing at noon on December 10.
The small vessel exhibition was inspired by the idea that East Gippsland is in fact full of ‘vessel makers’ – artists and makers who work in all media.
”Then finally we relax,” the Float team said.
“Wine and finger foods will be offered as a fundraiser from the famous (f)route cart by the F.INC East Gippsland volunteers.
“Local singer songwriter, James McHugh, will sing for an hour or two. The evening is free – but we welcome donations.”
On Sunday, December 2, will be the progressive Float-illa Paddle Picnic and a Float Paddle Club excursion from the Waterwheel Beach Tavern to Long Point via the Float vessel with an 8am departure.
PICTURED: The Float project committee members have been hard at work preparing the Float vessel for its launch at Fisherman’s Landing Jetty, Mill Point Road, at 3pm on Saturday, December 1.