Friends of the Library Lakes Entrance and Lakes Entrance Community Sewing groups have come together to provide bright new bean bags for the children’s section of the library.
Jo, Jan and Pat were the principal sewers. Each bag comes with a removable lining to hold the “beans” and make laundering so much easier.
The community sewing group meets every Tuesday morning at the Coast Guard rooms. The ladies sew some amazing items for local services such as quilts for palliative care, “comfort bears” for children in distress and bags that are filled with all kinds of useful items for people in need. You don’t have to be an experienced sewer, just head along and you will be amazed at the beautiful things you will be able to help make for the community.
Friends of the Library is a small group of volunteers who meet the second Wednesday of the month to support, promote and raise money for the little extras that go to make the Lakes Entrance Library an even more vibrant place for everyone.
Head in and have a look at the new bean bags, or if you are a child try them out. For the older person sit in the comfortable armchairs purchased through funds raised by the Friends of the Library while helping yourself to a tea or coffee.
Join in the school holiday program, see a free movie, complete the community jigsaw, charge your phone, use a computer, purchase a preloved book, read the papers and magazines or even borrow a book.