Light Up Lake Tyers Beach for Christmas is thrilled with the banner Toorloo Arm Primary School (TAPS) students have created and will be displayed as part of the efforts to bring a festive feel to the town.
Light Up LTB donated a blank canvas to the school and with the help of TAPS art teacher Jobi Laybourne they created a mural depicting Santa and his reindeers flying over the lake at sunset. It will be positioned near the Waterwheel Tavern in an eye-catching position.
The small band of local volunteers that have been putting decorations up along Lake Tyers Beach Road have been busy over the past few weeks. They have been getting positive feedback and hope they encourage residents to join in and add some of their own festive decorations to their homes.
“A few people have been jumping in and doing a bit to help,” organisers Phil and Avis Salisbury said.
“Our main band of helpers have been Mathew Mullins, Gail Jones, Terry and Miranda Fulford, Ali Morrison and Bren Harvey. There have been lots of decorations made over the past couple of months and now we nearly have them all installed.
“There will be a donated surf board on the Tavern which has an emu and Santa painted on it.”
Funds have been raised by having raffle nights at the Lake Tyers Beach Tavern which have been strongly supported by the community.
Avis also wanted to remind all that the Lake Tyers Beach Carols will be held on Christmas Eve at the usual place at Lake Tyers Camp and Caravan Park from 7pm. Santa will arrive at 8pm.
“A special guest this year will be singer Mick Harrington and also the Toorloo Arm Primary School students will be presenting some carols,” Avis said.