The Essential Services Commission has confirmed the prices to apply in 2024–25 for Victoria’s water businesses.
Typical water bills will generally rise in line with inflation over 2024–25. Average bills for owner-occupier households are set to rise, after inflation, by around $33 (three per cent) in Melbourne and by around $50 (four per cent) in regional Victoria.
The commission’s executive director of price monitoring and regulation Marcus Crudden says water bills vary depending on factors such as water usage, changes in borrowing costs and inflation.
“Across the state customers will benefit from increasing investment by water businesses to maintain service quality and reliability, and to address key challenges such as climate change,” he said.
“If you are having trouble paying your water bill, contact your water business. They can offer help through payment plans or assistance with applications for utility relief grants, information on concessions, and tips on how to reduce your water usage.”
East Gippsland Water customers’ bills will increase (on average) by 4.1 per cent, or $54.
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