Recognising the importance of social housing and the impact of homelessness in East Gippsland, East Gippsland Shire Council is seeking feedback on a proposal to make two council-owned properties available for the development of social and affordable housing.
Mayor Cr Tom Crook said council had identified the two properties – 74 Hadfield Street, Lucknow, and 20 Hardie Street, Lakes Entrance – as potentially suitable for this type of development.
“We strive to achieve the best outcomes for our communities. We are experiencing a housing crisis and the need for additional affordable housing is more prevalent now than ever before. One positive way we can make an impact as a Council is through the provision of land to support affordable housing,” Cr Crook said.
“It is proposed a targeted expression of interest process would occur with relevant community housing organisations and providers who can develop social and affordable housing. Council proposes to make the properties available at nominal cost as our contribution to supporting social housing and do our bit to solve the housing crisis in our community.
“We have a shared responsibility to address the need for social and affordable housing. It is important that we work with our key partners to try and address this issue and support some of the more vulnerable people in our community,” Cr Crook said.
Chris McNamara, coordinator of the Gippsland Homelessness Network, said homelessness is a major issue and is more visible than ever before.
“East Gippsland has experienced social and economic pressures over recent times with the 2019-20 bushfires, the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing cost of living and property and rental costs at an all-time high and compounding these issues, East Gippsland Shire has one of the highest rates of family violence in Victoria,” Ms McNamara said.
“Homelessness services only see the tip of the iceberg. We have no means of knowing the true numbers of people who are experiencing homelessness in our community. People are staying with friends in overcrowded dwellings, sleeping rough, in cars, tents and out in the open.”
Ms McNamara said the announcement is a strong commitment by Council to acknowledge and start to address homelessness in the community.
Cr Crook said that by understanding our community’s changing needs and desires, we ensure our services are responsive and reach those who need them most.
“It is important for the community to have the opportunity to provide feedback about our intention to sell the land,” Cr Crook said.
“We will write to all individual landowners surrounding the two properties and seek feedback on whether the community supports us engaging in social housing provision in this way and the proposed development of the specific sites.”
The broader community is also encouraged to provide its feedback.
The opportunity to provide feedback is open until Friday, August 2.
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