At the East Gippsland Shire Council meeting on Tuesday, August 6, Council made the following decisions:
– Council supported the motion to refuse Planning Permit Application for a two-lot subdivision and buildings and works for a second dwelling at 34-36 Eighth Ave Raymond Island.
– Council voted unanimously to adopt the draft Fair Access Policy. Additionally, the council
authorised the chief executive officer or delegate to make amendments to the adopted Fair Access Policy without the need for formal Council consideration, provided that the amendments are of a minor administrative nature.
– Council collectively voted to receive and note the report and all attachments related to Agricultural Sector Advisory Committee. Furthermore, council considered the recommendations outlined in the Minutes of the Agricultural Sector Advisory Committee meeting held on May 9, 2024.
– Council voted unanimously to accept the tender for CON2024 1611, Bastion Point Groyne Wall Remediation Works – Construction. The tender was submitted by Paul Volk Contracting Pty. Ltd. for an amount of $1,012,175.00 exclusive of GST. The infrastructure at Bastion Point Boat Ramp, constructed in 2014-2015, includes a breakwater, a natural rock reef forming the northern wall, a rock revetment on the southern wall, a double boat ramp, carpark and viewing areas.
– Council unanimously voted to accept the tender for CON2024 1652, Provision of Waste and Recycling Trailer Services, for a two-year period with one extension option of up to two years.
The tender was submitted by Tambo Waste Proprietary Limited.
East Gippsland Shire Council manages 13 waste trailers located in remote communities across four areas: Area 1 (Club Terrace, Combienbar, Furnell, and Chandlers Creek), Area 2 (Goongerah, Tubbut, Deddick, and Dellicknora), Area 3 (Gelantipy and Wulgulmerang) and Area 4 (Genoa). The Chief Executive Officer or delegate is authorised to exercise the two-year extension option and finalise the terms, including signing and sealing the contract.
The tender process prioritised economic impact, giving preference to contractors with local content and benefits, aligning with the Procurement Policy’s five per cent weighting for local economic contributions. Waste services, essential for community health and well-being, are also evaluated for their environmental sustainability practices, aiming to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions.
– Council unanimously voted to approve the report and all associated attachments, including the appointment of Petra Wood as an Authorised Officer under the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
In their resolution, council empowered the chief executive officer to execute the necessary Instrument of Appointment and Authorisation. Council also acknowledged that the Instrument would take effect immediately upon the resolution and remain in force until it is varied or revoked by the council or until Petra Wood’s employment with East Gippsland Shire Council ends.
You can watch the meeting and read the agenda on the Minutes and Agenda page.