A new car boot and makers market will be launched at the Swan Reach Recreation Reserve on Sunday, January 19, opening to the public from 9am until noon.
Hosted by Twin Rivers Lions Club, this market has two sections: a makers market and a car boot sale.
The Lions Club will be cooking up a storm, with delicious egg and bacon rolls as well as scrumptious Devonshire teas along with the Chocky Sweet Box coffee van onsite to satisfy the taste buds of patrons.
“We are excited to introduce our new market format,” market coordinator Desma Payne said.
“With the combination of both the ability to de-stach your crafts and hobby surplus supplies, plus any unwanted stashes retrieved from the back of cupboards, drawers, wardrobes as well as garden shed / garage storage hidden corners where items have been long forgotten.”
Club secretary Dot Koopman said the club’s Boomerang Bags group will have a marquee which will display a range of beautifully handcrafted gifts along with a variety of bags (different sizes and uses) available to purchase.
“The club has a range of fiction and non-fiction also available to purchase at very reasonable prices,” Dot said.
“These are book titles that don’t fit in the free community book exchange.”
“The proceeds of the sales of Devonshire teas, egg and bacon rolls, handcrafted items as well and the surplus fiction and non-fiction book sales will help as a fundraiser each month, which will go towards the funding of community events and activities,” Twin Rivers Lion Club president Peter Payne said.
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“The Swan Reach Car Boot and Makers Market will run from January to December 2025, always on the third Sunday each month, with a winter break for July, August, September as the ground is unsuitable due to the weather.”
Desma said that there has so far been a good response from both makers and ca boot sites booking their market sites, however, there is still plenty of level grass area still available.
It’s also the time of the year where folks are de-staching their unwanted (excellent condition) so she is expecting the public will be bound to find some fantastic gems for a great price.
Care boot sites for all second hand items being sold off stallholders can either pre-book or turn up on the day for a single car boot site (including 3x3m marque space behind car boot). Larger sites are available upon request. Sites are allocated in order of arrival.
Makers sites include 3x3m marque space with one sedan behind (or sell out of ute/trailer). Sites are also allocated in order of arrival. There are limited double sites available.
For anyone else who doesn’t fit the above criteria but wants to sell products/services, contact Desma to discuss.
Anyone can turn up on the morning around can book in from 7am to 8am to set up this sell their allocated a site for the morning.