Lake Tyers Beach Angling Club (LTBAC) wishes to inform the public and to address rumours circulating as to the disbanding of the LTBAC.
The angling club recently conducted a special meeting of all current members to discuss the club’s future.
“The resolution was put to the meeting that with the lack of member numbers, the lack of interest in general and lack of numbers participating in club events the club would disband,” LTBAC captain John Bourke said.
“This resolution was passed by the majority of club members in attendance.”
As the U3A have been utilising the club room for some years, the LTBAC offered U3A to take over the lease of the clubroom. The U3A contacted the East Gippsland Shire and was granted a lease for the management and use of the clubrooms.
“The past committee and members wish the U3A well in their new club rooms,” John said.