Wear a poppy to remember

Wear a poppy to remember

Preparations are in hand for the lifting of COVID restrictions at Lakes Entrance RSL.
There can be a return to the traditional observance of Remembrace Day, recalling when in 1918 at the 11th hour, on the 11th day of the 11th month the German Government accepted the terms of an Armistice drafted by the Allied forces and the guns fell silent on the Western Front marking the end of World War I. 
RSL employee of 25 years, Chrissie Stephens, is among the volunteers hitting the streets and selling the familiar iconic red poppy, after a 12-month absence.
These days the poppies are mass produced and manufactured unlike the original silk item worn by the prestigious and well-to-do or its humble woolen relative, lovingly knitted by an army of patriotic women.
Lakes Entrance RSL treasures its extensive trove of memorabilia including a splendid knitted poppy cross.

IMAGE: Lakes Entrance RSL’s Chrissie Stephens with the poppies. (PS)

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