Bulls on parade

Bulls on parade

Monday was hot but it didn't deter beef farmers from visiting cattle studs across East Gippsland as part of the sixth day of the Stock and Land's annual Beef Week.At...

Dairy Australia’s new chairman

Dairy Australia’s new chairman

Dairy Australia members recently elected two directors at the 2024 annual general meeting and the board appointed Harrisville dairy farmer Paul Roderick as the new Dairy Australia chair, following the...

Become an ag leader

Become an ag leader

Farmers, land managers and agricultural professionals are invited to apply for the inaugural 2025 Gippsland Agricultural Leadership Program, to be delivered early next year. The agriculture-focused program is designed to...

Women are farmers too

Women are farmers too

"Nothing makes me see red more than rural women who describe themselves as "just the book-keeper". So says Dee Commins who has successfully negotiated the dual worlds of corporate banking...

Muster Dog inspiration at Omeo

Muster Dog inspiration at Omeo

The ABC's Muster Dog series, based around people across Australia training working dogs, continues to inspire farmers and dog owners to become better dog and livestock handlers.A recent four-day Livestock...

Consider early weaning

Consider early weaning

Feed and water shortages are likely as we move into summer, so consider weaning your beef calves early to save on requirements.Agriculture Victoria Livestock Industry Development Officer Dr Hannah Manning...

Food safety

Food safety

New food safety standards for growers of berries, leafy green vegetables and melons will come into effect from February 12, 2025, to maintain the state's reputation as a responsible producer.Food...

Adding value to dairy waste

Adding value to dairy waste

About 710,000 tonnes of Australia's on-farm milk production is discarded as waste each year but new research could see it transformed into a range of valuable products.Researchers from the Dairy...

Worker numbers down

Worker numbers down

The number of Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) workers in agriculture has fallen by more than 20 per cent, from 21,915 in July 2023 to 16,705 workers in September 2024.Leader...

Concerns over pig control cuts

Concerns over pig control cuts

Environment Minister, Steve Dimopoulos, has been asked to rule out any reduction in feral pig control programs in East Gippsland.Gippsland East Nationals MP, Tim Bull, asked the Minister in Parliament...

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