The Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action (DEECA) will be undertaking an ongoing baiting program on all public land in the Snowy District, the Colquhoun and Kenny Forests in the Tambo District and in the Red Bluff section of the Lakes Entrance-Lake Tyers Coastal Reserve to control foxes.
Foxoff baits containing the toxin 1080 (sodium fluoroacetate) or Foxecute baits containing the toxin PAPP (Para-aminopropiophenone) will be used for these programs and they will be buried at a depth of 15cm below the ground in pre-constructed and maintained bait stations.
Fox control on all public land (State Forests and National Parks) in the Snowy District is continuous until May 6, 2025.
There is no known antidote for 1080 and baits should not be handled by unauthorised people.
There is an antidote for PAPP but must be administered by a veterinarian within 30 minutes of bait consumption.
Unrestrained pets may be at risk. Please heed all warning signs and keep pets under control to ensure they do not consume baits.
The use of the 1080 and/or PAPP baits will comply with the product label and the Directions for the Use of 1080 and PAPP Pest Animal Bait Products in Victoria.
When used in accordance with these documents, the risk of humans or animals being poisoned by 1080 or PAPP baits can effectively be managed.
Further information concerning this poisoning program can be obtained by contacting DEECA in Orbost via email.