Bairnsdale Croquet Club is one of the fastest growing clubs in the state and offers people of all ages the opportunity to enjoy gentle exercise, while playing a strategic game in a social atmosphere.
Yes it’s a game that provides exercise, stimulates the brain and is fun, and it’s right here in your backyard, being played up to six times (closed Mondays) a week by a membership of more than 80 at a social level.
Golf croquet is played in singles
and doubles format and is won by a player/s hitting their ball through
each hoop. Each player takes a turn
at hitting a ball through the same
hoop, with the player or team that
wins the most hoops declared the winner.
For the competitive there’s the opportunity to partake in Gippsland Croquet Association pennant competition, where players lock horns with other tactical masterminds.
Competitions at local level are often played as handicaps to even up the level of competition, ensuring all players have a chance at victory.
The club celebrated its centenary in 2021 and is still going strong, its magnificent grass courts situated at the Bairnsdale Bowls Club complex.
The club boasts that some of its members are nearly as old as the club itself, but the sport of golf croquet certainly isn’t just an old people’s game, with some of the world’s best players in their 20s.
Croquet has become increasingly popular as it is less wearing on the body than both golf and bowls.
Croquet is a relatively cheap sport to get into, with the only real cost being the mallet, which will last a player a lifetime.
The club is always keen to attract new members and has two accredited coaches on hand to assist with the finer points of the game.
Bairnsdale Croquet Club will be offering a come and try day on Friday, October 18, with a 3pm start, followed by drinks and nibbles.
All equipment will be provided, with the only requirement being flat soled shoes.