After seven months of interviews and informal discussions with community members, on Friday, October 6, the Nowa Nowa Futures Project presented the Nowa Nowa and surrounding area with the project report (Regional Context Analysis).
More than 60 people came to the Nowa Nowa Primary School to enjoy the food trucks on offer, chat to the Wairewa CFA and listen to Ruth Fitzclarence, Gippsland Community Transition Support Officer from the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA).
Hayley Hardy from the Nowa Nowa Futures Project also gave a quick overview of the project.
This was the first event at the Nowa Nowa Primary School in more than three years.
Many people at the event were pleased to see the school in use once more.
The Regional Context Analysis identifies seven innovation themes for the area. The community is invited to have their say on whether these are the right ones to pursue.
IMAGE: Nowa Nowa Community Development Group president Bernie Rossi, project administrator Liz Mitchell, project manager Hayley Hardy, East Gippsland Shire mayor Cr Mark Reeves, Gippsland community transition support officer Ruth Fitzclarence, immediate past president and Nowa Nowa General Store owner Kristen Huggins. (PS)