Restaurants, takeaway venues, hotels and clubs have all had one thing in common over the past month – a chip drought.
They have been in short supply due mainly to flooding in potato growing areas in most states in Australia. Farmers have had to put new crops in which has left a gap in supply causing the traditional summer meal of fish and chips to be appreciated even more.
Lakes Entrance venues have worked hard to source chips with traditional suppliers running low or out of chips.
The flood damage has also caused cabbages to be in short supply so for some time another takeaway delicacy, dim sims, have also been on the endangered list.
Sike Cheng, from Footbridge Fish and Chips, said dim sims are now back in supply, but for some time they had to do some swapping on orders between potato cakes and dim sims.
“Our customers have been very understanding, we put a sign up describing the situation,” he said.
IMAGE: Christine Shao and Peter Yu from Fish a Fare are hoping for no more shortages of chips, dim sims and spring rolls.