The Svetlik family is off to Disneyland!
Piper Svetlik has won four nights accommodation, flights and free entry to Disneyland for four people after entering an Incredibles II competition at Lakes Cinema, which is part of the My Cinema chain.
“We don’t believe it, just shock really,” Piper’ s mother, Kellie, said.
Lakes Cinema’s Chris Furhmeister said Piper’s entry was one of around 700 from Lakes Entrance.
“We’re very excited,” they said.
“We enter competitions all the time and don’t hear anything.”
The total prize is valued at around $16,000.
PICTURED: Lakes Cinema’s Chris Fuhrmeister presents Piper Svetlik, sister Ginger and mother Kellie, with her Disneyland prize. Piper recently entered an Incredibles II competition, winning four nights at the famed theme park for four guests.