THUMBS DOWN: To the lowlife who stole the decorations of the Rotunda. Bairnsdale Chamber of Commerce volunteers raised the money for them and put them up for all to enjoy. So much for a season for giving, for these lowlife it’s a season for taking.
THUMBS DOWN: Bairnsdale’s CBD is a disgrace, with the derelict Woolworths precinct and closed shops creating an unsafe feeling. Council seems inactive, leaving our town’s heart neglected and declining. Our community deserves better.
THUMBS UP: To the lovely lady who brought my shopping home for me last Thursday, it was so kind as i didn’t know her. Paynesville is a wonderful place to live.
THUMBS DOWN: To the driver who clipped the elderly gentleman in Pearson Street on his mobility scooter and then drove off leaving him lying in the middle of the road.
THUMBS DOWN: To all those architects and building approvers who OK public toilet doors that swing inwards. To get out, we’re forced to grab door handles, while half of those before us have not washed their hands. Have you no training in (nor concern for) public health?
THUMBS DOWN: To all those inconsiderate (or sadistic?) dog owners with shoes on, who go “walkies” on hot summer days. At the very least, go bare footed and share in the pain.
THUMBS DOWN: To the state of the filthy public toilets in East Gippsland mainly in Bairnsdale and Lakes Entrance. It doesn’t matter what time you use these toilets, they are in dirty and foul condition. We are proud to call East Gippsland home but these disgracefully maintained facilities let us down. Council needs to hear this and act upon this situation.